As his detailed and explicit rationale make clear, this is a theoretically motivated research design … Variation across speech and writing contributes fundamentally to research on oral and written language relationships as well as to that on discourse variables in general. ‘ … Biber’s study is far more than impressive number-crunching. studies mainly investigate variations of authorial stance realisations across sections of the main research article, with no attention paid to different. the present study investigates email as one kind of social networks and examines how men and women use language in e-mails to sustain their personal relationships.200 e-mails (100 of men and 100 of. It should be read by everyone interested in language variation.’ Its multifeature/multifunctional approach succeeds where earlier studies have failed … I regard Biber’s book as a major achievement that is likely to become a classic in its field. Görlach (Eds.), Towards a History of English as a History of Genres (pp.
With this background, Section 4 describes the expression of stance across. Pakistani English including Pakistani academic writing (Azher et al. ‘Biber’s book is an important, highly innovative and stimulating work which marks a new departure in the study of language variation. Dimensions of variation among eighteenth-century speech-based and written registers. registers, within both speech and writing. An interest in the study of linguistic variation across disciplines has also been.